Beware of attending the lectures of Imran Hoosein


My Brother wants to attend the lectures of Imran Hoosein. Is it prudent to do so?


Imran Hoosein is a misguided personality who promotes many very dangerous and outright wrong views. He has a long history of deviance and many Ulama around the world have refuted him.

Some of erroneous views are:

– He claims that Isa alaihis salaam was crucified. (May Allah protect us!) This is in direct contradiction to the Qur’aan Kareem.

– He claims that verses of the Qur’aan Kareem were tampered with and changed.

– He claims that when Isa Alaihis salaam returns, he will lead the Christians rather than the Muslims.

– He claims that Christians will attain salvation without embracing Islaam.

For further information, download the booklet from the link:

We should be extremely careful and abstain from associating with individuals who hold misguided or harmful beliefs. Their companionship is detrimental and may lead to the erosion of our Imaan.

The practice of our pious predecessors was to complete disassociate from deviants.
Once, two deviant persons visited Ibn Seereen Rahimahullah and asked permission to narrate a Hadith to him. He refused their request. They then asked permission to recite an Aayah of the Qur’aan Kareem. Again, Ibn Seereen Rahimahullah refused and said: “Either you leave, or I leave!” After they left, he was asked, what harm would there have been if they were to recite an Aayah of the Qur’aan Kareem? He replied:’ I disliked that they even recite an Aayah of the Qur’an to me as there is a possibility that they distort it and that may settle in my heart. (i.e., I feared that my heart may be corrupted by their potential distortions). (Ad-Daarimi, 397).

O Allah, do not allow our hearts to deviate after having guided us. Aameen