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Sunnats and Aadaab of Wudhu – Part 6

1. If you are making wudhu from a utensil, then after completing the wudhu, if any water remains, it is mustahab for one to drink it while standing, as this is established in the Hadith.
2. Sprinkle water on the clothing around the private area. This is in order to remove doubts that may enter the mind later on regarding whether any urine drops had come out after making wudhu. However, if one is certain that urine drops had come out after wudhu, he should wash the soiled area of the clothing and repeat his wudhu.
3. If there is a need to use a towel to dry the limbs after wudhu, you may do so. It is reported in the Hadith that at times, Hazrat Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) would use a towel, and at times, he would not use a towel.
4. If you are able to remain in the state of wudhu, you should do so, as remaining in the state of wudhu is a sign of imaan.
5. After performing wudhu, it is recommended that one performs two rakaats of Tahiyyatul Wudhu. The one who performs two rakaats of Tahiyyatul Wudhu, his previous minor sins are forgiven.