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Do I Have A Choice?

We attend Maktab to learn the Dīn taught to us by Nabi sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. By practicing upon this Dīn in the way shown to us by Nabi sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, we hope in Allah Ta’alas Mercy to be in the company of Nabi sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam in Jannah.

Many Madrassas and Maktabs will be having year end Jalsahs over the coming weeks. The Jalsah is an emotional event where we acknowledge the achievements of our children.

Allah Ta’āla instructs us in the Qur’ān Karīm:

“Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and guard their private parts…” (Surah An-Nūr 30)

“And tell the believing women to lower their gazes and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof.” (Surah An-Nūr 31)

It is quite evident that these commands of Allah Ta’āla are broken in many such Jalsahs.

  • In plain view of strange men, female teachers and grown-up girls go onto stage to either hand out gifts, receive gifts or for performances.
  • Men and women who are complete strangers sit in full view of one another or sometimes with a superficial makeshift screen between them which barely fulfils the purpose of Hijab.
  • Males and females freely mix and socialise outside the venue in total conflict with Allah Ta’ālas command.

Have we forgotten the legacy of Sayyidah Fātimah radhiyallaahu ‘anha and her modesty, taught to us in the very Madrasah whose Jalsah we are attending?

When Fatimah radhiyallaahu ‘anha reached the end of her life, she expressed her concern to Sayyidah Asma’ bint Umais radhiyallaahu ‘anha that she had noticed the bodies of females becoming exposed during burial. Sayyidah Asma radhiyallaahu ‘anha assured her that she would prepare a canopy-like bier to cover her body as is done in Abyssinia. When a sample of this type of bier was presented to her, Sayyidah Fatimah radhiyallaahu ‘anha was extremely pleased. This was the first time she was seen happy since the demise of Rasūlullah sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. After she passed away, she was carried in this type of bier and buried by night. Mustadrak Hākim (4827)

Let us reflect how we would like our burial to be conducted.

Every man wants the ladies of his household to be covered during their burial and every woman wants her body to be concealed. We are all familiar with the extra parda (concealment) which is observed at the burial of a female.

Ponder over the contradiction in our actions. In life, when we are free to choose, we expose ourselves to strangers in violation of Allah Ta’āla’s command and in death we aspire to be completely concealed.

Another disturbing trend is that the atmosphere in many Jalsahs is synonymous with perfumes and flashy garments.

Have we forgotten the warning of Rasūlullah sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam that :

“Any woman who applies perfume and passes by people causing them to smell her fragrance is like an adulteress”. Nasa’i (Al Mujtaba) 5170

O young girl, daughter of Sayyidah Fātimah radhiyallaahu ‘anha, for the brief moment of superficial ‘glory’ on stage, will you distance yourself from the values of the Queen of Jannah?

O daughter of Sayyidah Khadījah radhiyallaahu ‘anha, will you allow your daughter to be displayed on stage and thereby distance yourself from the conduct of your mother, Sayyidah Khadījah radhiyallaahu ‘anha?

O Mu‘allimah, successor of Sayyidah Ayesha radhiyallaahu ‘anha, for a fleeting moment exposed on stage, handing out awards, will you abandon the legacy of your mother, Sayyidah ‘Ayesha radhiyallaahu ‘anha?

O fathers of the Ummah of Nabi Muhammed sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, didn’t you send your daughters to Maktab so that they may closer resemble Sayyidah Khadijah, Sayyidah ‘Ayesha and Sayyidah Fātimah radhiyallaahu ‘anhun.

O inheritors of the ‘Ilm of Nubuwwah, the advice of Sayyidina ‘Umar radhiyallaahu ‘anhu holds true:

My example and that of my two companions (Nabi sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and Sayyidina Abū Bakr radhiyallaahu ‘anhu) is like that of three men travelling on the same road. The first man started with provisions and reached his destination. The second followed in the same way and joined him. Now the third is on his way. If he follows their way, he will also join them, otherwise he can never reach them. (Kanzul ‘Ummāl, 35958)

A poet beautifully says: “O desert dweller! I fear that you won’t reach the Ka’bah; for the path you tread leads to Turkistān.”

When Sayyidina Abū Masūd radhiyallaahu ‘anhu was invited to a meal and noticed there were pictures of animate objects in the home, he refused to enter. He preferred to forego the meal over being in a place where the command of Allah Ta’āla was being broken. (Bukhāri 3/381 / Fathul Bāri 9/249)

Let us resolve to take the courage to refrain from attending any gathering where the command of Allah Ta’āla is being broken and hope that Allah Ta’āla in His infinite Mercy joins us with His chosen servants in Jannah.

Allah Ta’āla has granted us so many blessings; Make the right choice!

May Allah Ta’āla grant us the ability to hold firmly onto the ways of Nabi sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and Sahābah radhiyallaahu ‘anhum. Āmīn


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