An Accepted Hajj

Hazrat Abu Hurairah Radiyallāhu ‘Anhu reports that Rasulullah Salallāhu Alayhi Wa Sallam said: “Verily there is no reward for a righteous Hajj except Jannah”. (Bukhari and Muslim)

According to some ‘Ulama, a “Mabroor Hajj” (an accepted Hajj) is a Hajj during which no evil deed is committed. For this reason, they speak of Hajj-e-Mabroor as a Maqbool Hajj (an accepted Hajj). By this they mean such a Hajj wherein the Hājee took note of every one of the Aadaab (etiquettes) and Shuroot (rights) of Hajj while at the same time avoiding all sins.

By way of further clarification, we quote a Hadith by Hazrat Jaabir Radiyallāhu ‘Anhu in which Rasulullah Salallāhu ‘Alayhi Wa Sallam said: ” The beauty (righteousness) of Hajj lies in feeding others and speaking to them amicably”. Another Hadith states: “The virtue of Hajj lies in feeding others and in greeting others a lot”. (Targheeb)

It is also reported that when Rasulullah Salallāhu ‘Alayhi Wa Sallam announced that Jannah alone shall be the reward for a righteous Hajj, some companions inquired as to what a righteous Hajj was. Rasulullah Salallāhu ‘Alayhi Wa Sallam replied: “To feed others and to greet alot”. (Kanzul ‘Ummāl)