Preparation for Ramadhaan – Audio Clip of Hazrat Moulana Shabir Saloojee Saheb حَفِظَهُ اللّٰهُ

Audio Clip – Hazrat Moulana Shabir Saloojee Saheb حَفِظَهُ اللّٰهُ
Topic: Preparation for Ramadhaan

Listening time: 13 Minutes 9 Seconds

  • Ramadhaan is the month of Allāh Ta’ālā.
  • Start your training for Ramadhaan from now.
  • Fasting closes the road of shaytaan to our body and is training to control ourselves from evil glances, backbiting, and anger.
  • This is a month of the Qurān Karīm. Make a schedule to increase recitation of the Qurān Karīm.
  • This is a month to correct our social dealings.
  • Lighten the work of those working under you.
  • Every action of man is being watched and recorded.