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Blessed Sunnah of Rasulullah Sallallaahu alayhi wa Sallam – Volume One – Ebook Download


Among the rights that we owe to Hazrat Rasulullah Sallallaahu alayhi wa Sallam is that we love him the most, believe and accept everything that he has brought to us, and we lead our lives in total obedience and conformity to his mubaarak sunnah.
Hazrat Rasulullah Sallallaahu alayhi was Sallam through his mubaarak sunnah, taught us how to transform our worldly affairs and activities into acts of ibaadah which will be a means of pleasing Allah Ta’aala and a source of mercy to mankind.

Every person needs to eat, drink, sleep, conduct business, socialize and fulfil other needs in order to exist in the world. However, through carrying out these mundane activities in accordance to the sunnah, one will gain reward and the proximity of Allah Ta’aala and His beloved Rasul Sallallaahu alayhi was Sallam.

In these times of fitnah, where Deen is under constant attack, through holding onto the mubaarak sunnah, one will safeguard one’s Deen and receive the reward of one hundred martyrs.
Hazrat Rasulullah Sallallaahu alayhi was Sallam said, “The one who holds onto my sunnah, at the time of fitnah and fasaad, will receive the reward of one hundred martyrs.”
Alhamdulillah, with the grace and fadhl of Allah Ta’aala, we have prepared this kitaab on the mubaarak sunnah of Hazrat Rasulullah Sallallaahu alayhi was Sallam. The first volume of this kitaab is complete and deals with the chapters of relieving oneself and istinjaa, wudhu, miswaak, ghusl, azaan, iqaamah, the musjid, and males’ and females’ salaah.

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