Home / Hajj / Audio Clip of Hazrat Ml Ilyaas Patel Saheb Hafizahullah Hajj – An opportunity of a lifetime

Audio Clip of Hazrat Ml Ilyaas Patel Saheb Hafizahullah Hajj – An opportunity of a lifetime

Audio Clip of Hazrat Ml Ilyaas Patel Saheb Hafizahullah

Hajj – An opportunity of a lifetime

Listening Time: 4 min 22 sec

• Hajj only becomes Fardh once in a lifetime.
• Think before you speak, especially during the journey of Hajj
• If the tongue is used correctly, it will be a means of goodness but if it is used incorrectly, it will be a means of evil.
• One of the reasons for an accepted Hajj is speaking in an amicable way. Do not hurt others.
• Hajj – a great opportunity for Sadaqah