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Looking at the Ka’bah

Looking at the Ka’bah

Hadhrat Ibn ‘Abbaas Radiyallahu ‘Anhu reports that Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘Alayhi Wa Sallam said: “One hundred and twenty mercies come down upon the Ka’bah every day and night; sixty for those performing Tawaaf, forty for those performing Salaah and twenty for those only looking at the Ka’bah.” Here, we are told that only looking at the Ka’bah is a form of ‘Ibaadah.

Hadhrat Sa’eed ibn Musayyib Rahimahullah used to say, “Whoever only looks at the Ka’bah with Imaan (complete faith) becomes cleansed of his sins as the day he was born.”

Hadhrat Ibraheem Nakha’ee Rahimahullah narrates: “The person who looks at the Ka’bah is equal in rank to that person who is out of Makkah and continuously performing ‘Ibaadah. (Durre Mansoor)

Hadhrat Karz bin Wabra Rahimahullah was a saintly man who used to perform seventy Tawaafs every day and the same number every night, which is equal to walking about 30 miles (48km) daily. After every Tawaaf, he performed the two Rakaats Salaatut Tawaaf. This means he performed (apart from his Fardh and Sunnah Salaahs) two hundred and eighty rakaats. Apart from that, he also completed two full recitations of the Holy Qur’aan daily. (Fazaaile Hajj pg 138,139,140)