Those performing Hajj and ‘Umrah are the delegations of Allah Ta’aala

Those performing Hajj and Umrah are the delegations of Allah Ta’aala

Hadhrat Abu Hurairah Radiyallahu ‘Anhu reports that Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘Alayhi Wa Sallam said, “The Haajis and those who perform ‘Umrah are Allah’s delegation. When they make Du’aa to Him, He answers them, and when they seek His forgiveness, He forgives them.”(Ibn Majah 2892)

The Haajis and those going to perform ‘Umrah are a group with special duties towards Allah Ta’aala. In the same manner that we have groups going to the courts of great men and rulers, these people present themselves at Allah Ta’alaa’s house. And in the same manner that a group wishes to be honoured, these people are honoured in Allah Ta’aala’s presence. According to one Hadith, “The group of Allah Ta’ala are of three kinds; the fighters in His way, those who perform Hajj and those who perform ‘Umrah.” (Mishkaat 2537)

A Hadith reported by Hadhrat Jaabir Radiyallahu ‘Anhu is also related in this way, “Those who perform Hajj and ‘Umrah are the group of Allah Ta’aala. Whenever they make Du’aa to Him, He answers, and whenever they beg of Him, He grants.” (Majma’uz Zawaaid 3/214)

Another Hadith mentions, “Those performing Hajj and ‘Umrah are the group of Allah Ta’aala. Whatever they beg for, they are given; whatever Du’aa they make is heard; for whatever money they spend, they are rewarded. I swear by Him in whose hand my life lies, whenever a person recites ‘Labbaik’ from any high place or whenever they recite the Takbeer, everything from around them till the end of the earth echoes their cry.” (Fazaaile Hajj pg 172,173)