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One Salaah in the Haram of Makkah is equal to 100 000 Salaah

One Salaah in the Haram of Makkah is equal to 100 000 Salaah

Hadhrat Anas bin Maalik Radiyallahu ‘Anhu reports that Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘Alayhi Wa Sallam said: ‘The Salaah which a person performs in his house is one Salaah, and his Salaah in the local Masjid is equal to 25 Salaah, and his Salaah in the Jaami’ Masjid where the people gather is rewarded to the amount of five hundred Salaah; and his Salaah in the Masjid of Jerusalem, Masjidul Aqsa, is rewarded to the amount of fifty thousand Salaah; and his Salaah in my Masjid Masjidun Nabawi – is rewarded to the amount of fifty thousand Salaah, and his Salaah in the Holy Masjid of Makkah is rewarded to the amount of one hundred thousand Salaah’

The fact that Salaah in the Holy Masjid of Makkah is rewarded up to one hundred thousand times is mentioned in many Ahaadith. Hadhrat Hasan Basri Rahmatullahi ‘Alayh used to say: ‘Fasting in Makkah for one day is equal to fasting for one hundred thousand days elsewhere; to give one dirham in charity there is equal to giving one hundred thousand dirhams elsewhere. Every good deed performed there shall be as if one hundred thousand had been performed elsewhere’. (Fazaaile Hajj pg 149,150)