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Committing sins in Makkah Mukarramah

Committing sins in Makkah Mukarramah
Hadhrat ‘Umar Radiyallahu ‘Anhu said, “I would much rather prefer to commit seventy sins at Rukiya (outside Makkah) than to commit one sin inside Makkah.”

Similarly, in the same way that good deeds are considerably increased in reward, sins are tremendously multiplied. For this reason, Hadhrat ‘Umar Radiyallahu ‘Anhu considered a sin committed in Makkah, seventy times worse than outside the Holy City. Hadhrat ‘Umar Radiyallahu ‘Anhu mentioned this on numerous occasions. For this reason, many elders of Islam did not like staying permanently in Makkah because it was very difficult to give the place proper respect. Hadhrat Imaam Ghazali Rahmatullahi ‘Alayh wrote that any sinful act is very strongly prohibited there, and the one who sins there can easily earn the anger of Allah Ta’aala. (Ithaaf)

Hadhrat Wahb bin al Ward Rahmatullahi ‘Alayh one of the saints said: ‘I was once sitting in the Hateem when I heard a voice coming from under the covering of the Ka’bah saying, ‘I firstly complain to Allah Ta’ala and then to you, O Jibraaeel, regarding this laughing, joking and nonsensical talk around me. If these disrespectful acts do not stop, I shall burst open so that every rock shall come apart.’
(Fazaaile Hajj pg 151,152)

NB: Aziziya is also part of Makkah. Hujjaaj should be particular and abstain from all types of sin and futile activity while in Aziziya.