Home / Hajj / Audio Clip of Hazrat Ml Yunus Patel Rahmatullahi ‘Alayh – Tawaaf is like a washing machine

Audio Clip of Hazrat Ml Yunus Patel Rahmatullahi ‘Alayh – Tawaaf is like a washing machine

Audio Clip of Hazrat Ml Yunus Patel Rahmatullahi ‘Alayh
Tawaaf is like a washing machine
Listening time 5 min 02 sec

  • When we begin the Tawaaf we put our dirty hearts in the washing machine.
  • When we go round each time, we make Istighfaar and Du’aa.
  • When we going round then this dirt is being extracted from our hearts.
  • When we done the seventh round then this heart is washed.
  • At the Multazam is the pressing and ironing of this heart.
  • With this clean heart, one should ensure they don’t return to those sins again.